Tack Tip Tuesday
Measuring a Western Saddle Seat
When measuring a western saddle seat, start at the center of the pommel/swell and measure straight back to the top of the cantle.
Western Saddle Rigging
#TackTipTuesday - Let's talk about western rigging! This Silver Supreme that just came in was a great example of a 3 way rigging on a western sad... -
Rear Cinch Fit
It is #TackTipTuesday again! To continue on off of last week’s topic we dive into rear cinch fit. Also called a back cinch. The purpose of a back c... -
Cinch Position
Proper fitting tack is important for your horse’s comfort and welfare. When talking about tack fit, most people think directly about saddles,... -
Proper Saddle Storage
I am so excited to get back and talk about tack after taking a break to welcome my new son, Jasper, into the world. Our first topic for getting b... -
Parts of a Western Saddle
To conclude our mini-series, let’s go over the parts of a western saddle. Due to the nature of their design there a few more parts to name than a... -
Different Types of Western Saddles
The difference between western saddle styles is not as extreme as English saddles, but there are a few different categories that a saddle can fal... -
Leather Care Recommendations
I often get asked what my favorite leather care products are, and to be honest, it really depends on the leather I am cleaning. If it is tooled, ... -
Saddle Gullets
Measuring the gullet is commonly misunderstood in all types of saddles, and it is easy to see if you take a browse looking for saddles online. There is no consistency anywhere. The only true way to know the gullet measurement is to take the information from the specifications that are set out by the manufacturer of the saddle.