Tack Tip Tuesday
Cleaning Rusty Bits
I always love a science experiment! I had a very rusty bit come in, and I should have taken a before photo, but I didn't. I wanted to see if we could clean it up a bit. Hahaha, what a fun pun.
Winter Tack Care
As if the winter blues isn't enough we also run into issues in our damp, cold environments with tack. Espically if your tack room isn't heated. Three common issues you might run into are mold, bloom and of course gunk.
After your Beach Ride!
#tacktiptuesday - Caring for your tack after a beach ride! 🌊🐴 Since my 14th birthday, I have always taken my horses to the beach! it has b... -
Product Feature: Epona Tiger Tongue Scrubby Cloth
#TackTipTuesday – Epona Tiger Tongue Scrubby Cloth! As simple as it sounds, this scrubby cloth has a million uses. It is super handy to have in you... -
Caring for your Rubber Reins
When we need a little extra grip, we usually will reach for the rubber reins in our tack room! However, when they become dirty, slippery and start... -
5 Tips for Dealing with Wet Tack
Due to our climate and sadly not unlimited access to indoor arenas, sometimes we get caught riding in the rain. By taking care of our tack properly... -
Parts of a Western Saddle
To conclude our mini-series, let’s go over the parts of a western saddle. Due to the nature of their design there a few more parts to name than a... -
Different Types of Western Saddles
The difference between western saddle styles is not as extreme as English saddles, but there are a few different categories that a saddle can fal... -
Leather Care Recommendations
I often get asked what my favorite leather care products are, and to be honest, it really depends on the leather I am cleaning. If it is tooled, ...