Winter Tack Care

#TackTipTuesday - Winter Tack Care


As if the winter blues isn't enough we also run into issues in our damp, cold environments with tack. Espically if your tack room isn't heated. Three common issues you might run into are mold, bloom and of course gunk.
Mold: Appears as fuzzy or powdery patches in white, green, or black. Mold thrives in damp conditions and can damage leather if not treated.
Bloom: Looks like a cloudy white film caused by oils rising to the leather's surface. It’s harmless and easily cleaned.
Dirt: Shows up as dark, uneven patches—often from sweat, dust, or grime after daily use.

How to Clean Moldy Tack 

  1. Take it outside: Avoid spreading spores by cleaning in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Brush it off: Use a soft brush or cloth to remove the surface mold.
  3. Clean it: Gently wipe the leather with a damp cloth and mild leather cleaner.
  4. Kill the spores: Wipe with a vinegar-and-water mix (equal parts) to stop mold growth.
  5. Condition the leather: Apply a leather conditioner once dry to restore moisture.

Dealing with Bloom or Dirt 

Bloom: Buff the surface with a soft cloth to remove the waxy film. Follow up with conditioning.
Dirt: Use a leather cleaner to remove buildup, then condition to keep the leather soft and flexible. For a deep build-up of dirt, I will use a soft toothbrush and a bit more water, making sure to wipe it off.
The best way to deal with mold is prevention!
  • Store tack in a cool, dry place with good airflow. If you can, heat or insulate your tack storage space.
  • Use a dehumidifier or silica packets in storage to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Clean and condition your tack regularly to avoid mold and dirt buildup.
✨ Clean tack = safe tack! ✨
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