Cleaning Rusty Bits
I always love a science experiment! I had a very rusty bit come in, and I should have taken a before photo, but I didn't. I wanted to see if we could clean it up a bit. Hahaha, what a fun pun.
After some research, the solution was to soak the bit overnight in vinegar and scrub it with a steel wool brush. The results are in—it worked! There is still a little bit of rust left on the bit, but overall, it's much better!
Why do these bits rust?
Sweet Iron bits are designed to rust, as rust technically tastes sweeter to horses. This is true of iron bits, but be cautious of rust on chrome-plated bits. Chrome-plated rust might lead more to a structural issue.
Like any piece of equipment, always inspect your tack for sharp points, weak points or parts that may fail. If your rusty bit has big flakes or sharp points, it is time to retire it.