Western Saddle Rigging
#TackTipTuesday - Let's talk about western rigging! This Silver Supreme that just came in was a great example of a 3 way rigging on a western saddle.
Like have three billets on an English saddle, this is the western equivalent. You can choose the direction of the pressure the billets/latigo will pull on the tree. There is no one size fits all approach, you need to choose which style will work the best for your horse's conformation and how your saddle fits.

Western saddles traditionally have three types of rigging. Full rigging which is the farthest forward and directly under the pommel, 3/4 rigging which is the farther back and the 7/8" which is in the middle. 7/8" rigging is the most common. However sometimes you will find the three way rigging like in this saddle. This set up allows you to rig your saddle at the full, 3/4 or 7/8 setting.